Monday, February 25, 2013

Book projects

Don't forget book projects are due on march 8th!!!


I hope you all had a nice long weekend with our extra days off. Here is what is happening this week due to the snow days. In reading we will be taking our main idea quiz on Wednesday, and begin to learn about cause and effect relationships on Thursday. In writing we are finishing our research today, and learning how to organize our notes to get ready to write. We will begin writing our expository pieces this week looking at good anchor papers and transitions. We will move our spelling test to Wednesday as well. Tic tac toes will be due Wednesday morning. We will get new spelling words next week. In math we are continuing to work on fractions. We are finding equivalent fractions, comparing and ordering fractions and mixed numbers. Our quiz over chapter 21 understanding fractions will be on Friday. Due to the snow day prism has also been moved to this Thursday from 4-6. Feel free to take projects with you after 5:00. As always, let me know any questions you have!

Monday, February 18, 2013


PRISM - PRISM night is Thursday evening from 4:00 -6:00. We ask that you do not take projects until after 5:00. We will have around 300 projects and the 5th graders will be performing some experiments. Very exciting!!!

Main idea quiz


We had a wonderful Valentine's Day party last week. Thank you to all of the parents that made the day so enjoyable for the children! This week we have a division quiz on Tuesday! We will begin to learn about fractions this week. We will learn how to read, write, compare, and order fractions as well as what mixed numbers are. In reading we are finishing up main idea and supporting details and taking a short assessment on Friday. We also have our spelling tic tac toe due on Friday, and we will be taking our spelling test on Friday. In writing we are continuing to research our expository text topics. We will be learning about safe Internet sites as well as how to trust the information we find. By the end of the week we will begin organizing our information to get ready to write. As always let me know any questions you had.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Division quiz!

We have our division quiz on Tuesday. It will be a 5 question quiz. Make sure to practice and study the study guide which is coming home today!

Valentine's day parties!

Monday, February 11, 2013


We have a lot going on this week! Wednesday is early release at 1:45. Please let me know if there are any changes to your child's dismissal routine. We also have our Valentina's parties on Thursday from 1:45-2:45. Thursday is also jump rope for heart and dress like a teacher day. If your child dresses like a teacher, make sure they bring tennis shoes for jump rope for heart!
We have begun working on division this week, and are going to begin long division procedures and division with remainders this week. Knowing multiplication facts will be essential to your child's success with this skill. We are continuing to work on main idea and supporting details in reading. We have narrowed our topics for our expository writing, and will begin researching and paraphrasing this week. Book projects are due march 8th. If anyone is in need of a cereal box, please let me know. Prism Night is next Thursday, February 21. If your student is doing a Prism project, I would like to have them turned in at school by Friday, if possible. This will allow time to look the projects over and make any necessary corrections before Prism Night.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Unit 4 test review

Here are some of our anchor charts to help students get ready for our unit 4 tests. Their study guides are due tomorrow.

Classroom updates!

This week we will begin our unit in reading on main idea and supporting details. When your student reads at night, ask them to tell you the main point of their story and how they know. We are beginning our non fiction writing unit this week also. We will be taking many steps to make sure students get a topic they are excited to research and write about. We have our spelling test on Friday, which means our spelling tic tac toes are also due on Friday. In math we are taking our unit 4 test tomorrow. This test will see how much they have learned about multiplication. We will begin our unit on division later this week. Students will do so much better with division if they know their multiplication facts well. See Miss Flinn and Mrs. Pride's blogs for updates in social studies and science. Have a great week!