Monday, March 4, 2013


Book projects are due Friday! If you need any information on this project or a cereal box, please let me now as soon as possible. In reading we are continuing to work on cause and effect relationships. When reading with your child ask them to find one and tell you the cause and effect. We ask ourselves why to find the cause, and what happened to find the effect. In writing we are continuing to work on our expository texts. We are writing the conclusions today, then we will begin revising, looking at sentence variety, and word choice. We will begin editing after for punctuation, spelling, and grammar. These will be published next week!!! In math we are working on a few lessons for probability, and taking out quiz on Friday. We are learning what the possible outcomes, predicting what is likely to happen in the experiment, writing the possibilities as a fraction and combinations. Tuesday is McDonald's night at the Crestwood McDonald's from 4-8. We also have an SPTG meeting in the cafeteria at 6:45. The music performance is on Sunday at 4:00. Please make sure to get there 20 minutes early to set up. See Mrs. Pride and Miss Flinn for science and social studies updates! As always feel free to let me know any questions and concerns! Have a great week!

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