Sunday, May 19, 2013

Last week updates!

This is your child's last week in fourth grade!  What a year!!! Thank you again for all of your help and support to make this a wonderful year! 

We are filming book projects Monday and Tuesday this week.  Make sure your child has drawn a picture from the book, written a summary, told why they recommend it, and has given it stars (1-5), and told why they gave it that many stars.  

Writing projects and writer's notebooks were finished last week, and will be coming home this week with your child.  

Math grades and centers have been finished up for the year also.  

Report cards will be coming home in email for this quarter!  

We will be having fun switches this week, where your child will have an opportunity to work with all of the fourth grade teachers.  

By Wednesday at the latest all desks will be cleaned out and students will have brought home all of their belongings.  

Thursday is the last day, and it is a half day.  Students should not bring anything with them Thursday, this includes a back pack! We will have an awards ceremony in the gym and fly up on Thursday.  Then only a short time together for a final activity in our classroom before students will be considered 5th graders!  

Thanks again for a wonderful year!!!

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